Show Quality German Shepherds for Family Protection, Personal Security, Schutzhund, Search & Rescue, Guard Dogs, Seeing Eye Dogs, Professional Dog Training, Stud Service and Pet Quality K-9 friends from Montana at affordable prices.

Adventures on the Ranch
Leah and Tess - winning Tess's first Trick Contest!
----Hello everyone! Spring is here !!! Yesterday, I saw a Robin and 2 big flocks of geese flying north for the summer - I always enjoy watching them fly over. It's amazing to me, how they can fly all that way, and know where they are going. Animal instincts are amazing.
----Anyway, it's been awhile since I have written, I am so busy this time of year! Right now I am working with 7 horses - 9 dogs and puppies!'s definitely keeping me busy! But the weather has been outstanding for this time of year up in the 50's and a even up in the 60's a few days last week . All the snow is melting off and now we have mud…… but soon there will be a little green grass and flowers popping up.
----This morning I have a bit of "spare" time so I thought I would write and update you all. Several weeks ago there was a big dog sled race - the biggest in the lower 48 states and mushers come from all over the country and from Canada to compete. Anyway, I went in and checked out the "pre-race events" that were going on and one of them was a trick dog contest! So I took Tess who I have been working on tricks for a long time and let her make a debut performance. (She is an Uzi/Cihara daughter and definitely one of my "babies") It was very cold - with the wind chill factor it was probably about 0F and we had to perform outside on the snow!! Poor Tess, because she is a house dog she doesn't have a lot of extra winter hair and thought this was ridiculous! So while we were waiting for our turn I took her inside a heated building nearby and we stood in front of the heater and she definitely thought this was more like it!
----Then it was our turn so we went back outside and she performed everything I asked her to do like a pro! And this was her first time ever doing tricks in public! She sat up, downed from a sit up (straight down no cheating) crawled, went over to a mark I told her to and then limped to me (I taught her to limp on command). She knows how to do other things but it was so cold and snowy I thought that was good enough..... and the judges thought so too because she won! WOOHOO she won her first contest, and there were lots of people and hundreds of dogs around (sled dogs)! You could just tell she was very proud of herself and knew she did a good job - she is actually quite a ham and loves to be the center of attention. I was pretty proud of her too.
----I have actually been training some of our dogs to do tricks together - and will put it all together for a "show" ---- but I won't tell you exactly what they are learning to do -- you will have to tune into our debut tv performance to see that.......when ever that happens to be I will let you know.
----But back to winning the trick contest - afterwards the announcer told one of the top mushers there that he just missed a really good performance and he should have been there to see it because then he might be able to actually train his dogs!! And several people came up to me and asked me "How I trained her to do that" ! So it was a lot of fun. It was also fun getting back into the pickup and warming my poor frozen toes up and from the look on Tess's face she the Wendys and a burger for me and a burger for her.
---- Till next time!
---- Leah, Tess and Everyone at Omega Shepherds
"Waiting at the Wendys and warming our toes"
" Hurry it up - a performing dogs gotta eat!" ----------- -" Hey, Hey ! I said HOLD THE BUN!"

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