Omega Shepherds Show and Working Bloodline German
Shepherds for Family Protection, Personal Security, Schutzhund, Search
& Rescue, Guard Dogs, Seeing Eye Dogs, Professional Dog Training, German
Shepherd Stud Service and Pet Quality K-9 friends from Montana at affordable
Things we did with our dogs while the country
was quarantined with Covid 19
A photo/video of our 2015 year. Includes puppies,
adults, kids, goats, horses, chickens, even our sulcata tortoise and lots
of photos of our place and our "lives". I hope you enjoy it -
we had a very fun 2015 !
Xena LOVES water - especially the hose! Here
Clint and Heather are trying to get the hose back - WITHOUT getting wet!
Xena gets her NADAC Elite Regular Title !
3 year old Heather training 5 month old Athena
is agility !
Omar at 11 months old watching over our 2 week
old Nigerian Dwarf goat babies
A hike on our mountain property in February.
It was a beautiful spring day!
Quiz with her pups less than 24 hours old !
Here is a fun video of Clint and Heather with
Artimus puppies - when they were about 6 weeks old!
This is a bunch of fun video clips from the summer and
fall of 2013. 3 year old Heather and 5 year old Clint take the pups for
a little splash in their kiddie pools ! How many German Shepherds can you
count in their pool after their morning run ? Feeding Saxon. Feeding the
Horses. Doing agility. Fall sled training with the 4 wheeler and so much
more! Well worth your time !
Here is a video of Clint and Heather running Zeus and
Shelby in agility at an assisted living home where we put on a little performance
for them and then all the ladies got to meet Zeus and Shelby. What a great
time and very fun afternoon - we look forward to our next visit!
At just 18 months old Xena gets all 3 AKC Novice
Titles in ONE weekend at just her 3rd trial!! Congratulations Xena !
Gunner at 5 months with "His Kids"
Clint and Heather
Gretchen with her New Born Babies and Clint and
It was an awesome weekend with Rhett qualifing in 8 out
of 10 classes and Zeus qualifiing in 7 out of 10 classes! It was only our
second NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council) trial, and even though
they are competeing in the top levels in AKC they had to start over in
Novice in the new association. Both dogs won their Novice titles this weekend
as well.
The only thing the video doesn't show is how cold it
was - both nights getting close to 0F. Luckily the arena was heated - but
we still had to spend plenty of time outside.
Enjoy the video.
Check back often for new videos of agility, dog sledding,
the ranch, puppies and more!
Also check out our video only site for even more
fun videos of our dogs